How to use AI to write Articles 2023

How to use AI to write Articles

Is it safe to create content with AI tools? Every content marketer definitely struggles with this thought as soon as they consider using an AI writer. How can you, after all, trust a machine to create your stories? However, much like most other forms of technology, artificial intelligence in content marketing has become a very effective tool. You’ve undoubtedly witnessed the power of tools like ChatGPT. Additionally, you can create unique AI images with the aid of AI image generators.

In this article, we’ll demonstrate the various applications of an AI writer and the various kinds of material it may assist you in producing. We will provide instances of what successfully applied AI content production looks like in order to reassure everyone who is unsure about the dependability of AI-generated material.

How to use AI to write Articles 2023


What advantages come from using an AI writer to produce content?

Some people might think that AI assistants for content creation are inaccurate or unable to catch your tone and context. But that is not at all the case. AI writing aids are indeed producing high-quality text that you can use with little to no edits thanks to developments in machine learning.

Contrary to a strategy that uses no AI technologies for marketing or content development, content generation with generative AI tools offers a number of advantages.

How to use AI to write Articles

Using AI authors has a number of significant advantages, including:

  1. The speed of content development can be increased by roughly 2–5 times.
  2. With the help of the AI writer’s content ideas, writers’ blocks can be readily overcome.
  3. With technologies like AI topic generators, you can shorten the time spent on brainstorming and content ideation.
  4. Your content team’s productivity can be greatly increased by using an AI writer because they will have more time for strategic work.
  5. You don’t have to worry about SEO because all effective AI writers produce material that is search engine optimized.
  6. An AI writer can be really helpful if you’re seeking a new angle on a subject.

What types of material can you produce using an AI writer?

There aren’t many restrictions when it comes to using AI writing tools to create material. An AI writing helper can even be used to construct full articles at any point in your content creation pipeline. However, for some types of content, hiring an AI content writer can be incredibly effective and time and effort-saving.

An AI content writer can be useful for a variety of content types and purposes, including:

  • Titles, summaries, introductions, conclusions, structuring, etc. for blog entries
  • Writing effective copy for websites, including product descriptions and SEO meta tags
  • Emails: Subject lines, opening paragraphs, call-to-actions, etc.
  • Posts on social media: blurbs, captions, etc.
  • Videos: intros, script outlines, descriptions, etc.

How to write your blog’s content using AI

When we run out of ideas or need a fresh viewpoint, we probably turn to the AI blog writer for our blog articles more often than any other sort of material. Burnout can sometimes affect even seasoned writers, especially when writing lengthy pieces like blog entries. In these circumstances, having an AI assistant give you the final push might be really beneficial.

Use an AI topic-generation technology to generate blog topics.

Finding new, original blog topic ideas is the first step in writing a blog post. You might wish to target certain keywords but struggle to come up with an intriguing blog title. Or you might wish to figure out what subject will most likely interest your audience. The subject-generating feature that certain AI wiring helpers provide can be very helpful in circumstances like these.

How to use AI to write Articles

You can choose the topics you’re interested in from this list and upload them directly as new content items under the relevant project on the platform. If none of the themes interest you, run the tool again, and it will create fresh choices.

You can choose one of these blog topic suggestions in its entirety or use it as a starting point for your team to improve and change. However, hiring an AI writing aid to generate article ideas can save you hours of thinking.

Make a brief

If you don’t know what you’re writing about, it’s impossible to produce a blog article quickly. This is why it’s crucial to have a content brief prepared in advance—a list of guidelines writers may use to create valuable content. The best companion for a content writer is a thorough brief.

If you’re outsourcing your content creation to freelancers who might not be as familiar with your brand and your product or service as in-house writers, content marketing briefs are even more crucial.

A strong brief enables writers to immediately comprehend the requirements set out by your business for creating effective blog content. Your content brief should address the following principal subjects, among others:

Primary and secondary keywords: SEMrush’s ultimate guide contains useful advice if you’re new to keyword research. According to best practices, the major keyword, or the phrase you want the content to rank for, should be used in your blog post title and URL, as well as a few other high-volume, related keywords scattered throughout your headers. Avoid overloading your content with keywords; instead, insert phrases at appropriate places.

Blog post purpose: “What do I want to achieve with this blog post?” is a question you should ask yourself. Consider the step that it fills in your sales funnel. A blog article aimed at converting high-intent people who are already familiar with your brand would be very different from one meant to raise website traffic.

How to use AI to write Articles


Do some research on it.

Reading additional sources on the same subject is often considered research when writing a blog post. However, it may also entail conducting first-person research and interviewing subject-matter experts. Look for and record facts and figures from reliable sources that support your assertions.

Be sure to provide credit by linking to the original sources if you do decide to use them in your blog article. Make sure the information you’re providing is current and not from research from a decade ago when writing about subjects that are evolving and changing quickly.

Try to discover someone who is an authority on the subject if you aren’t one yourself. To increase the credibility of your article, get in touch with specialists and ask if they’d be willing to contribute a few quotes on the subject. Help a Reporter Out (HARO), an online tool used by journalists to interact with and receive comments from experts on virtually any topic, is an excellent location to discover specialists on a number of subjects.

Create an outline for a blog article using AI Writer.

Making an outline for your blog post is the next stage. Creating material can be greatly accelerated by using an outline. It is a fantastic method to lay the groundwork for the blog article and provide your writers with an early start. Again, you can do this manually, but it may be laborious.

How to use AI to write Articles But if you start with some form of framework, the process becomes far more effective than if you start from zero. Based on the tone and title of your blog, an AI writer can quickly produce outlines for blog posts.


All we had to do was choose “Blog Post Outline” as the use case, insert the title, and select the tone. Up to three different iterations of the AI-generated content are also options.

How to use AI to write Articles

Finish your blog article using content produced by AI.

Finally, you can end your blog post with writing produced by the AI. Most AI writing helpers can produce blog post conclusions just like they can produce blog post introductions.

An AI writer can be utilized throughout the entire content generation process for blogs. It is also clear from the aforementioned instances that using an AI writer does not force you to make quality concessions.

The quality of the output is frequently on par with that of content written by skilled writers. You’re good to go as long as you exercise caution when determining which text to utilize directly and where to make further edits to the AI-generated content.



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