How To Start A Blog In 2023 For Beginners- Amazing Guides

How To Start a Blog in 2023 For Beginners?

Basic Requirements for Starting a blog.

  • Passion about writing something useful
  • Laptop or PC
  • Internet Connectivity Broadband or Mobile Internet
  • Basic Internet Knowledge, Social Media and Computer Knowledge

Do you want to start a blog today? But you don’t have any technical knowledge about blogging or you are just a beginner. Don’t worry here you will get a step by step process on how to start a blog without technical knowledge.

Here is the main thing:

Do you want to make passive income on autopilot through a blogging career, which helps you to become your own boss? So starting a blog is a very good decision and it will lead to your success.

Most of the newcomers are afraid to start a blog because they think they don’t have any technical knowledge and they can’t start a blog. But, after reading this post, you will change your mind and start your blog today and make a way for your success.

Starting a blog is not very difficult at all, in fact, it is very easy, but you need is some proper guidance, which helps you to start a blog.

Follow these Important and Easy steps before you start your blog

Let’s move into it,

  • Step 1: Choose a Niche or topic for Your Blog ( Topic Must be your Favourite)
  • Step 2: Choose CMS Content (Management System), WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, etc.
  • Step 3: Choose a simple and Good Domain name For Your Blog related to your Niche or Topic
  • Step 4: Find a Good Web Hosting Provider.
  • Step 5: Choose an eye-catching Theme For Your Blog
  • Step 6: Some Important Plugins For Your Blog
  • Step 7: Connect your blog site to every search console like Google, Bing, etc. to rank in Search Engines so that your post will appear on Google search or any other Search Engine Platform.
  • Step 8: Write and Publish Your First Blog Post and Share it among your friends and social media to get traffic on your blog.

Now, The most important thing Make Money from Your Blog:

Before starting the full process to start a blog you might think why should you start a blog today?

I always prefer to say that the 21st century is the golden era for starting a blog and growing it easily, because nowadays the Internet is very popular among all the people around the globe and everybody use their mobile and PC on daily basis and searches a lot of information on Google and other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Now the question is who provides this information on the internet? Well, we know that we bloggers provide every type of information on the internet and earn a handsome amount of money by monetizing the blogs.

But bypassing days, blogging is becoming tough day by day and if you start today, you have more opportunities and chances to grow faster than others who will start later than you.

Some Benefits of Blogging

There are so many benefits if you start your blog and grow it. Here are some amazing benefits of blogging that helps you and makes you happy in your life:

Make Money Online – The first point, you can earn money from your blog by monetizing your blog by Advertisement and Affiliate Marketing.

Express Yourself – Blogging is the platform that allows you to express yourself by writing meaningful content for your readers. You can help the readers by writing some meaningful content on your blog, and by this, they will become famous among the people.

Freedom from 9 to 5 Job: – Once you’ve completely established your blog and have started receiving handsome income then you can quit your 9 to 5 job to start as a professional blogger. In this way, you can choose your own time and place to work.

I think you have got a brief idea of why you should start a blog and how blogging will help you to become an entrepreneur?

Let’s begin,

Step 1: Choose the Right Topics/Niche for Your Blog (Difficult Step of Every Newcomer)

How To Start A Blog

This is the most important part of blogging, and many newbies are getting stuck at this point.

Do you know? Almost 80% of bloggers quit their blogging journey at the starting of a few months because they choose the wrong topic or niche for their blog which they don’t passionate about. Niche is like a topic in which you are going to write in your blogs.

So before you choose a Niche for your blog you have to research first. Don’t be so hurry while you choose your Niche for your blog, take some time to think more and more while choosing a Niche for your Blog.

Choose a Niche by your own choice in which you are passionate about and you can write anything on that particular topic with joy. The niche should not be your burden it should be your Asset.

Try to choose a Micro Niche for your blog in a startup. In simple language choose single and low competition with a high search volume topic for your blog so that you can grow fast in a short time.

Don’t go for Multi Niche for a startup if you are a beginner and non-technical person. Let’s take some examples of Micro Niche and Multi Niche

Micro Niche

  1. Headphone (High Competition)
  2. Travelling (Low Competition)
  3. Cooking (Low Competition)
  4. Air Cooler (Low Competition)
  5. DSLR (High Competition)
  6. Power Bank (Medium Competition)

Why choose Micro Niche for Your Blog:

Micro Niches easily get rank on Google in a very short time because they have some specific keyword as I told above, so the keyword is focused whenever you write something on your blog and Google Crawlers Algorithm thinks that your site is about this topic and it gets easily rank on Google and other Search Engines too.

And also, from Micro Niche you can Affiliate your Blog via the Amazon Affiliate Program, Flipkart Affiliate program, etc in a particular product, and earn a good amount of money from the Affiliate program also.


Gadgets Reviews including Mobile, headphones, Accessories, News website, etc. on a single website.

Why not choose Multi-Niche for beginners:

Multi-Niche is very highly competitive and almost every big company and big blogger are working on Multi-Niche so it becomes much tougher to rank on search engines due to high competition.

Due to thousands of different keywords on a multi-niche blogging site, it takes a very long time to rank on Search Engine, and sometimes it doesn’t get Rank also if you don’t work hard and smart. But all you have to work smart rather than work hard. So I recommend you go with Micro Niche.

I think you are clear about all the things now and find the perfect niche for your blog seeing the above part, but still, if you can’t figure it out, then you can do this to find a perfect niche to start a blog.

Step 2: Choose the CMS (Content Management System)

Choose CMS

If you are a beginner and you don’t have any technical knowledge then I will tell you in simple language that what is CMS or Content Management System.

CMS: CMS or a content management system is a platform from where you can run your whole blog, where all your data like images, videos, posts, other media files, etc. will be managed.

There are many CMS platforms available like WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, etc. But the most famous CMS are WordPress and Blogger. Most of the bloggers use WordPress and Blogger platform to run their websites.

Which one is better for you WordPress vs Blogger?

Differences between Blogger and WordPress

Well both the platform is good but Blogger has some limitations like you can’t modify or customize your blog with your own choice, while WordPress allows you to modify and customize your blog as you want.

Blogger has just a limited number of Templates but WordPress has unlimited Themes.

In a blogger, you can’t use any plugin but in WordPress, you can use lots of plugins for various purposes like SEO, designing, etc.

Almost every blogger uses the WordPress platform and this is the best and easiest platform and also suitable for a beginner as well as professional. If you are a very beginner and don’t have any technical knowledge and you just want to learn blogging without any investment then Blogger is a suitable platform. Blogger is a free platform and WordPress is premium.

Now the decision is yours on what platform you want to start your first blog?

But once again if you seriously want to become a perfect blogger and can afford to invest some amount of money then my recommendation is to go with WordPress. Because in WP sites you will be able to learn so many things which will help you to become a pro blogger in a short period.

And one more thing that if you start your blog in Blogger, in the end, you have to move your site from Blogger to WordPress due to many limitations so the decision is yours.

Go through the above link and create a blog today, very easy steps are provided for beginners and non-technical people.

Step 3: Choose a simple and Good Domain name for Your Blog

Choose a Domain name

Selecting the website domain name or website name is not very difficult and you can easily select a perfect domain name for your new blog.

But remember that it is always better to be select a domain name for your blog that matches your Niche and try to find the domain having the keyword of your Niche it will help your blog to grow faster.

Let me help you to select a perfect domain for your blog

When I started my blogging journey, I don’t know how to choose a premium or branded domain for my blog, and that’s why I wasted lots of time money in starting.

But you don’t have to panic because I am here to help you and share my experience and also help you to find the perfect domain for your blog,

I am going to tell you that how can you find the perfect domain for your blog so that you don’t do any kind of mistake like me.

Here are some tips which will help you to find your perfect domain for your blog–

Keep it Short & Simple – Try to keep your domain as short & simple as much as you can, don’t make it too long and complicated because it’s not easy to pronounce and also difficult to remember the domain name.

Use Appropriate Keyword – You can use your main keyword in your domain, which helps you in SEO. Means Search Engine Optimization or in simple language, it will help you to Rank on Google very easily within a short period.

Don’t Use Numbers & Special Characters – Don’t use numbers & special characters like commas, full stop, a hyphen, etc. in your domain because it’s not easy to remember the numbers and Characters.

Always Use TLD Extension – I recommend you to use domain extensions like .com, .org. net because it’s rank globally. TLD means Top Level Domain.

Example of selecting a domain for Micro Niche:

If you are going to create a blog on headphones (Headphone is a micro Niche) review then you can choose your domain name like this-, you can see the headphone keyword is there in the domain name.

This is just an example now you have to select your domain like this and make sure that your niche keyword is available on the selecting domain.

If you are still not able to find out the domain for your blog, then you can find a branded domain name using one website: Instant Domain Search.

Let me tell you once again about Domain in simple language

Domain Name – The domain name is the website URL that readers type in the browser.

Example of Domain Name:

HTTP://( Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

www (world wide web) (Domain name)

Full site address:

.com- Extension TLD (Top Level Domain).

Step 4: Choose a Good Hosting Provider For Your Blog (Only for WordPress)

For creating a blog on WordPress, you need a web-hosting and domain,

I have already explained Domain in detail above para. Now it’s time to understand what is Hosting?

Web Hosting – A web hosting is a place where all the files of your blog are stored and displayed on your blog live when someone accesses that.

In simple language, Hosting is like a Computer HDD Hard Drive Disk or SSD Solid State Drive which is connected to the server, which allows you to store all your data (images, posts, pages, and many more) and keep your data secured.

In short, Hosting is usually connected to a server and provides the data to the users when they access it.

Now, are you thinking about which WordPress Hosting is best for your blog?

Step 5: Choose a Theme for Your Blog

Best theme for blog

After choosing your hosting provider for WordPress now it turns to choose an Eye-Catching Theme for your blog.

There are lots of free and premium themes available in the market but for the initial stage, you can go with a free theme. But if you want a premium theme then you can buy it and I will guide you on how to buy a premium theme and which is the best theme for your blog.

Step 6: Important Plugins For Your Blog (WordPress Only)

WordPress Plugin

You will get thousands of plugins in WordPress CMS which allows you to design and customize your blog. Some plugins are free and some are premium but for the initial stage, I will only use a free plugin for you to create a blog on WordPress.

All done I hope you have successfully created your blog by following the steps now its turn to connect your blog to Search Console

Step 7: Connect your blog site to every search console

How to connect blog to saech console

Now, this is also a very important part of blogging, connecting your site to the search console like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. will increase your traffic through search engine results.

In simple language whenever we search for something on Google or Yahoo it shows some results regarding the topic we have searched. That topic is usually available on Search Engines.

So, to make available your post or topic on the search engine you need to connect your site to the search console, or if in simple language if you want to appear your post on Google search results then you have to connect your site to the search console.

Step 8: Write and Publish Your First Blog Post and Share it among your friends and social media to get traffic on your blog.

Now, it’s time to publish a beautiful post on your blog having good information and knowledge for the readers. Always write a unique and meaningful article or post for your blog, never try to copy others.

I hope you have got a brief idea about how to start a blog and now I can guess you are ready to create your first blog on WordPress. So let’s start and create a blog on WordPress.

How To Create a Blog On WordPress?

To create a blog on WordPress first you have to purchase a domain for your Blog and also you need a hosting provider to host your blog. We have already discussed how to choose a domain name and how to choose a hosting provider to start a blog you can go through that article to know more about it.

In this article, we will create a blog on WordPress, and also we will buy a domain and hosting while creating the blog. So you will get step by step process on how to create a blog on WordPress?

Let’s Start!

Before you start I want to say something about hosting that there are lots of hosting providers present in the market, but we have to choose the best one and for a beginner, it is very difficult to find the most affordable WordPress hosting. Well, in this case, I will help you find a better hosting provider for your blog.

For beginners and also professionals, I recommend Siteground hosting and this is the best hosting provider in the market and also affordable for everyone because most professional bloggers use Siteground hosting to host their site. And this is not my only word for proof to find some expert reviews about Siteground hosting.

Why SiteGround is a better option for you-

SiteGround is powered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Google Cloud Platform is the fastest Cloud hosting provider in the world. Personally, I am using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to host my website and I will create a different article on Google Cloud Platform so stay tuned for that.

Google Cloud Platform GCP

Here Are Some Experts Reviews About SiteGround

Sayed Balkhi

Ben Pines Joost De Valk

Follow these basic steps to purchase a hosting and domain for your WordPress blog:

Click On The Link to create your WordPress blog.

Avail up to 77% discount On SiteGround

Siteground pricing

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I recommend you go with the startup plan because it’s a new blog and you will get enough features in Startup Plan.

Step 1: Choose Your Favorite Domain

Choose domain name

Choose your domain name, which is easy to understand. Let’s take an example, If you are going to create a blog on headphones (Headphone is a micro Niche) review then you can choose your domain name like this-, you can see headphones keyword is there in the domain name.

Fill Your Account Information form

account information

You need to fill in all your information correctly for your account.

Enter Your Credit/Debit Card Information

credit card debit card information

You have to fill your credit/debit card details to purchase a domain and hosting

Confirm the Conditions And Let Get Started

Pay now

Now click on Pay Now to Pay the amount

Wait for a few minutes, and then check your email for details including your important details related to your account.

And you are all set.

Congratulations! Now You have successfully purchased the hosting and domain for your blog.

Let’s move towards setting up your blog.

Step 2: Setup your WordPress on your website

Set up wordpress

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Installing WordPress is very easy and just needs a click to install your WordPress.

First, go to your Siteground account, that you have purchased, and now you can see the similar interface after login to your account:

You have to select the start of a website option to make a new site.

Then, you have to click on the software which you want to install your website,


Click on WordPress software to install it on your website. After that, you have to fill in some login details about your site including the user name password and provide a valid email id.

user name password

Note- For security reasons choose a complex password for your WordPress.

This information is very important, so I recommend you write down your id and password in a diary for future reference.

After fill-out all the information,

Then you have to click on the complete button to proceed with the process.


It will take a few minutes to finish setting up your WordPress website.

Now, click on the proceed button to move on the customer area section:

proceed customer area

Now, click on my account button on the menu and click on the installation tab:

my account

Now, Click on the Admin Panel to visit your new blog admin dashboard:

admin panel

You will redirect to your WordPress dashboard after redirection enters your login credentials which you choose during the installation of WordPress and click on the login button:

wordpress login

That’s it you just completed the first setup for your WordPress website, bookmark this URL for future reference:

Step 3: Choose an Eye-Catching Theme for your blog

choose Theme

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After installing WordPress, now its turn to choose a light and good looking theme for your blog.

In blogging, the design of the site matters because if you don’t have a good-looking and navigated design on your site, then you might lose traffic and audience. Eye-catching design helps to build more trust towards your readers.

In the WordPress platform, there are a lot of free themes available for you, and for a beginner, I suggest using any lighter and faster free magazine theme for beginners they can skip premium theme for the time being, but still, if you want to go with premium version then it’s a great decision. To know more about premium and free themes click here.

Which theme is best for your blog?

I use the GeneratePress theme, which is a very light theme. GeneratePress is a Freemium theme which means you can use it for free as well as you can buy its premium version plugin to customize unlimited without any restriction.

This theme loads your website very fast, and many professional bloggers are using it because it’s easy to design also.

One more premium theme you can use for your blog which is premium. For the Newspaper theme, most beginners use a Newspaper theme for their blog because it’s very easy to customize your blog with just one click to install a demo and your site is ready to live online.

The Newspaper theme is very famous for its interface and ease of access. No coding is necessary to use this theme just click and install any demo to run your site. To know more about the Newspaper theme click here.

I guess you have selected your theme for your blog now it’s time to install your WordPress site.

After selecting one theme it’s time to install the theme on your blog.

To install any WordPress theme on your blog just follow the below steps:

First of all, you have to log in on your WordPress dashboard ➡ appearance ➡ themes

In the themes section, you will see various free themes, but if you already have purchased or downloaded any theme, click on the add new button.

theme section

Click on the upload button and upload your theme in zip format and activate that theme on your blog.

upload theme

Finally, your theme is installed now to activate your preferred theme in your blog. Installing a theme in WordPress is an easy task, but the main and important thing is to customize the theme.

So if you want to customize your theme, click on appearance customizes, and now you can able to customize your theme.

After making your theme responsive and optimized now, I will tell you some most essential plugin which almost every WordPress users install, and it’s also an important part to run your website on automation.

Step 4: Some Important Plugins for WordPress


Note– I strongly recommend you to use fewer plugins on your site to load faster. Use only some essential plugins on your site, avoid unwanted plugins that can cause severe damage to your site which may result to slow down your site.

Without plugins, a WordPress site is nothing because plugins are necessary to (Optimize your content, for SEO optimization, for Speed optimization, and many more). There are lots of plugins available on WordPress, but here I will explain some important plugins that I am currently using on my blog.

So, here is the list of plugins which I am personally using almost in all my site –

Rank Math SEO/ Yoast SEO – SEO is very important to rank your article on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., and drive a lot of traffic.

There are many SEO plugins available on WordPress but only two plugins are popular among the bloggers one is Yoast which is quite good and this plugin is old another is Rank math which is a new SEO plugin that becomes a favorite for every blogger now because of its features.

Many bloggers will suggest you go with Yoast, but I don’t recommend that because they don’t have lots of features like Rank Math and all the premium features of Yoast is free of cost in Rank Math. (To know more about Rank Math and Yoast SEO plugin click here)

WP Rocket – Wp-Rocket is a premium caching plugin that is used to clear your blog cache and I am personally using it since I have started my blogging journey.

I was already told that speed is the main factor to rank on Google. So wp-rocket is the plugin, which can help you to optimize your full website and make it faster.

But once again this is a premium plugin if you can’t afford it you can still install a free caching plugin for your blog, you can use Autoptimize plugin which is freely available on WordPress. And this is also a good caching plugin.

UpdraftPlus – Backup of your website is very important to keep your database safe and secure for future reference, although your Siteground keeps website backup daily. But for more security, you can use the UpdraftPlus plugin for daily backup purposes.

Anti-Spam/Akismet – Many times, someone makes spam comments on your blog. This plugin helps you that if someone comment on your blog and the comment looks like spam, so this plugin automatically blocks it.

Classic Editor- Classic editor Plugin is also an important plugin to write content easily because it allows writing an article with ease while the WordPress default editor has some limitations and it is very tough to understand their options, so I recommend you install the plugin enjoy your writing.

These are some essential plugins that commonly I used on all of my websites to run them properly.

Note- I don’t recommend you to go with nulled or cracked plugins because these types of plugins contained malware and your site can be hacked easily

If you want to do serious blogging and want to grow faster, I highly recommend you invest and treat your blog like a business.

If you are thinking about how to install the plugin? Let me help with you that,

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard
  • Then go to Plugins →Click on Add New
  • Upload your plugin in the zip format and click on the “install now” button.
  • After completing the installation, click on the “activate button” to activate that particular plugin.

Step 5: Write Your First content and Publish It on your Blog

Blog post

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Are you ready to writing your first blog post?

It’s time to write some meaningful posts on your new blog.

To create a blog post, you have to go: Dashboard area of your WordPress → Click on PostAdd New

After that, you will land on your new post section, and here you can start writing your post.

We will make a different post on How to Write an amazing meaningful post for a blog? So stay tuned for that.

Step 6: Make Money Online From Blog

Make money

This is an important part for you all because earning money is our main goal and I will help you to make money from your blog.

Let’s move into it

There are many ways which you can use to make money from your blog. In this para, we will discuss some ideas which you can use to earn a handsome amount of money from your blog.

Advertising on your blog: The most common and easy way to earn money is by monetizing your blog through any ad network. Most bloggers use ad networks to earn money from their blogs.

Two Popular Advertising Platforms– Adsense and, You can apply to their program and run ads on your blog to earn money.

Affiliate Marketing: This is one of the best methods for earning money online. In this, you have to promote other Goods on your blog, and if you get a sale of that product, you will get a commission from the product owner.

Offering Service: If you are an expert on anything like web designing or SEO expert then you can offer service to your reader, and they will directly pay you for the related service. This is one of the best ways to earn money from your blog.

These are the ways that you can use to make money from your blog. But always remember that if you want to make money from your blog you have to keep patience and do smart work on your blog because after all audience is the main thing and to get traffic on the site you have to work smart rather than work hard, and you will see your huge growth.

I hope you get all the information regarding How To Start a Blog? If you have any doubts or queries related to this article or need any help then you can comment below, we will definitely get back to you with the solution.

So I can guess now that you have successfully created your own blog by following my simple steps and also you have connected your site to every search console.

Next, we will make a post on advanced blogging where you will be able to learn advanced blogging like keyword research for your blog, SEO or Search Engine Optimization, Page SEO, on-page SEO, advanced blogging tools, and plugins, etc. So stay tuned to our blog and never miss any updates regarding blogging.

We promise you we will deliver only the best content on our blog so stay tuned on our blog to get the latest tips and tricks on Blogging.

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